Road Safety Programs

Safe Routes to Schools

This road safety program is promoted strongly in areas which relatively high incidence of child pedestrian and bicycle accidents occur. It helps to identify the factors involved in children’s accidents, and develops integrated engineering and education actions to improve road safety around participating schools. The Safe Routes to Schools program is offered to schools within the municipality in areas with significant number of child pedestrian crashes.

Not So Fast

The Not So Fast program is a new road safety program coordinated by the City of Point Russell in partnership with State Government. The program promotes drivers to reduce speed and increase safety within the municipality, to achieve greater safety for all roads user groups. The implementation of the speed trailer placed in local streets, in strip shopping centres and outside schools and retirement villagers will gauge speed level within the area. This will highlight areas in need of enforcement by local Police.


WalkSafe is a program aimed at reducing the incidence and severity of pedestrian and cyclist crashes within the municipality. This program is a co coordinated approach by the City and State Government. WalkSafe focuses on high risk pedestrians such groups being children and the elderly. WalkSafe also targets drivers, to make them aware of the need to watch out for pedestrians who may behave unpredictably, and to highlight the need to reduce their speed in areas of high pedestrian activity. By working in conjunction with local schools, and relevant community groups the WalkSafe programs hopes to educate pedestrians about road safety issues.

Looking After Our Friends

This program was introduced to target the general community, youth, sporting clubs and business/ industries concerning safety implications when drink driving. Looking After Our Friends will raise awareness of the affects of alcohol on drivers and pedestrians and provide the public with strategies to reduce incidence of drink related casualties. The program will promote responsible drinking and driving within the municipality.

Keys Please

The Keys Please program targets learner drivers and their parents. This program emphasises the need for learner drivers to develop safe driving skills by gaining extensive experience in a wide range of driving situations and conditions. By trying to promote safety within the municipality Keys Please will focus on year 10 and 11 students from local schools by running informative information sessions. These sessions will highlight risk factor, statistics to illustrate the dangerous reality for learners and novice drivers, road laws, advice on how parents and supervising drivers can assist the learner driver and the procedures and process involved for obtaining a learners permit.

Keeping Older Drivers Safe and Mobile

The implementation of the Keeping Older Drivers Safe and Mobile program encourages older drivers to take responsibility for their driving futures and that they assess their own driving performance regularly. The City of Springfield will focus on older drivers aged 65 years and over within the municipality and will promote road safety strategies to improve the safety of older drivers and maintain their mobility.

SafeCar Program

The Transport Accident Commission has introduced a program SafeCar Project aimed at improving safety on the roads by demonstrating the benefits of emerging vehicle safety technologies to manufacturers, company fleets, and motorists. The City of Springfield involvement will be valuable in promoting safe driving within the municipality, it will also aid in the reduction of fuel costs and minimise damage to the environment.

Getting it Right

Getting it Right program focuses on seat belts and child restraints and the safety implications in relation to inappropriate usage. By educating parents on the correct procedures involved in restraining their children when travelling, may prevent injuries and death if in a collision.