Emergency Management

The Emergency Management Department has four divisions comprised of administrative staff and specialists that work with City departments, municipalities and an array of community-based organizations to ensure that the City and its residents have the resources and information they need to prepare, respond and recover from emergencies, disasters and significant events. For more information please click here.

The Emergency Management Department strives to achieve nine goals:

  1. Serve as the leading City experts in contemporary emergency management strategies and policies.
  2. Enhance communication and coordination with City departments to provide accountability in emergency preparedness activities and eliminate redundancy of efforts citywide.
  3. Ensure that all department emergency plans are up-to-date, consistent, comprehensive and compliant with state and federal guidelines.
  4. Ensure City staff has access to all required and recommended training relevant to emergency management and preparedness.
  5. Ensure training and exercises are implemented as appropriate to evaluate and improve capabilities, operational readiness, preparedness, plans and strategies in a risk-free environment.
  6. Review and revise update the Emergency Operations Center training requirements to streamline and update standards and processes.
  7. Coordinate and expand community outreach efforts and actively establish and maintain partnerships with community leaders throughout the City.
  8. Enhance the administration and management of the Emergency Operations Fund (EOF). 
  9. Ensure that the City's emergency management program (including mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and training) includes issues affecting persons with disabilities and others with access and functional needs, children and older adults.