Events and Meetings you DO NOT want to miss

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Displayed above on this page is a "Calendar" placed within a WYSIWYG text space

  • While editing the WYSIWYG area - you can use the Calendar icon and select which "Calendar" you want to showcase (seen below)  
    OC Cal image in wysiwyg.jpg
  • The "Calendar" is built in the "More" > "Calendars"  tab in the back of the CMS by selecting "Content Types" (typically stuff that has dates like OC Event or OC Meeting) and "Content Labels" (filters that group similar events)
  • You can build very granular "Calendars" by setting a calendar to have specific "Content Labels" to showcase very specific events on a page (All surf events on a page that includes more detail about these events)
    • Content Labels should be built prior to creating a Calendar (but you can edit a Calendar to add more Content Labels later)

To build an "Event" or series of events

  1. Go to "Pages" in the back of the CMS and decide where this page/event should live inside your site map
  2. "Create Page" and choose a "content type" (OC Event or OC Meeting)
  3. Fill in all necessary fields, including the "Body Content" (this is the blue box on the right side of the page - it is the details site visitors see when they click your event)
  4. Under "Supporting Information" you can also apply in "Content labels" that will help filter and sort your event to appear on a more exclusive "Calendar"